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World Refrigeration Day

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In order to help preserve the environment and raise awareness of the important role that technologies from the air conditioning and refrigeration sector play in modern life, Emicol celebrates today (June 26) the World Refrigeration Day. 

Along with the entire HVAC-R segment (heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration), Emicol Eletro Eletrônica celebrates, for the second year in a row, this worldwide date, created in 2018.

Refrigeration is the name given to the process of removing heat from a medium, reducing its temperature and maintaining this condition by mechanical or natural means. Refrigeration applications are many such as food preservation and air conditioning or air conditioning.

Starting 2000 years ago, with snow or ice to conserve food, this market began its great evolution in the XNUMXth century where it was possible to know in more detail the effects of cooling on food conservation, through the improvement of the microscope that allowed the discovery of bacteria, enzymes and fungi. For the first time, it was understood that these microscopic organisms, present in food, rapidly multiplied at high temperatures and, in this way, deteriorated food.

 The first refrigerators were ice chests, such as the “Refrigerator”, which was patented in 1803 by Thomas Moore – from Maryland. In 1804 Frederic Tudor became the Ice King, with a modern ice distribution network, which at the time depended on colder areas or very harsh winters, which is why the development of an artificial ice machine began.

The first detailed description of ice making equipment was patented in 1834 by Jacob Perkins (1766 – 1849).

More than 50 years later, the first ice machine was built by James Harrison, between 1856 and 1857. In 1862, at an international exhibition in London, Daniel Siebe presented this equipment to the public. Establishing who invented the refrigerator is not so simple because several researchers have contributed to the advancement of the area. Many patents were applied for for the refrigerator.

In recent years, the refrigeration and air conditioning area in Brazil has experienced a growth much higher than the growth of the Brazilian GDP. According to ABRAVA – Brazilian Association of Refrigeration, Air-conditioning, Ventilation and Heating, this is mainly due to the popularization of split appliances and the development of the frozen food industry.

Food waste due to lack of refrigeration is still a challenge to be overcome. An IBGE survey showed that only 11% of homes use HVAC systems, which shows that it is still possible to grow a lot to reach international levels.

Emicol participates in this industrial segment by developing Controllers, Boards, Thermostats, Switches and various components for the Refrigeration market and is present in over 25 countries, exporting its technology for over 52 years.

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